Monday 23 January 2012

Target Audience

Thriller and Action Film Openings

The opening scene of Quantum of Solice starts with a wide angle/ establishing shot which is tracking across the water, increasing in speed, which automatically builds excitement and sets the scene. They also show short clips of close ups of the car and also some bullets, whilst cutting back to the tracking shot over the water, these quick images start to introduce the scene and the genre of the film, engaging the target audience. Throughout the beginning few shots there is some dramatic music which builds up as the tracking shot gets closer to the road, this helps to build tension and excitement. This music stops when it reaches the road, which emphasis's the sound effects from the cars and guns, making the car chase more dramatic. This opening scene also introduces the main character by repeatedly showing quick close ups of James Bond.
We were inspired by this opening, and hope to make an opening sequence which will use similar techniques to build excitement and tension. We intend of using some dramatic music throughout our opening, starting quiet and gradually getting louder. Like quantum of solice, We have also decided to start our film with a tracking shot, placing a camera on the front of a car, to achieve a shot driving down a road, which will slowly getting faster as we cut back and forth between scenes. Finally we want the conservation scene in our opening sequence to be dark and shadowed, we will not show the 2nd persons face, leaving it a mystery to build suspense.

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