Thursday 26 January 2012


The Plot

We chose London as the location for our film, because it fits our plot and film genre perfectly.  Other films with similar themes as ours, such as murder mystery are set in urban areas, such as large cities. London also has many great urban scenes with rural contrasts around the city


Car scene- 

This scene is going to to be filmed on an empty road, so we plan to film it in a country road. Below is a photo from google maps showing our chosen location and where we plan to place our camera's. We thought it would be easier if we used three different camera's, so it would take less shots seeing as we had limited time. 

Establishing Shots-

Seeing as our film is set in London, we plan to visit some recognisable monuments. Here is a walk we plan to take. 

Murder scene-

This scene is going to be filmed in a shed, we want it to look quite creepy being in a confined area surrounded in dangerous tools. We also want it to show that they are in the countryside, in the middle of no-where, where secrets can be covered easily with no witnesses. 

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